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Improving Linux support for graphics tablets.


Many people and several companies have contributed to the project since it was started in 2008. Some of those are listed below. If you feel you’re missing from this list, please send a message to Nikolai Kondrashov <>.

Nikolai Kondrashov
The project founder and main developer.
Wiki contributions and user support.
Viktoria S.
Wiki contributions and user support.
Martin Rusko
Initial Huion driver research, hacking and testing.
Waltop International Corporation
Providing tablet samples and information.
Yiynova Europe BV
Initial Yiynova tablet support hacking and testing.
Numerous tablet owners
Collecting tablet diagnostics and testing.

The project logo is based on the tablet icon from the free Streamline Icon Set by Webalys and Stycil Tux by Two Lof Bees.